Our research is only possible thanks to financial support from various funders:

Coöperatie Hoogstraten

Financial support for operating and investment costs by Coöperatie Hoogstraten and member growers. Coöperatie Hoogstraten also participates in the costs of the project-based research. Coöperatie Hoogstraten also provides Research Centre Hoogstraten with logistical support for the start-up and development of various projects.

Website Coöperatie Hoogstraten


Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries

The Flemish Government supports Research Centre Hoogstraten through an annual operating grant for research centres through Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and provides significant investment support (50% VLIF investment support).

Website Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries


Province of Antwerp

The province of Antwerp provides an annual operating grant to support the operation, co-finances in research projects, supports AGHRANT's operation and also participates in investments.

Website Province of Antwerp


Lava cv en VBT

Lava and VBT provide financial support through participation in the project research and by funding specific assignments under the GMO research.

Website LAVA

Website VBT


Boerenbond provides an intervention in the operation through an annual grant. In addition, Boerenbond provides support through participation in the costs of the project-based research.

Website Boerenbond

VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship provides support through grant funding for project-based research.

Website VLAIO

European Funds: Horizon Europe, Interreg, EFRO, LIFE, ...

Research projects are funded through various European funds, as well as investments.

Website Horizon Europe

Website Interreg

Website EFRO

Website LIFE

Private research

Private research commissioned by third parties is fully paid for by the client. These companies have products tested for their practical value, which can be done under the Good Experimental Practices (GEP) label.


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